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Financial Statements

Group Group
2019 2018
Revenue 8,686,664 8,530,267
Other operating income 12,842 5,857
Contract and outsourcing cos (709,609) (719,971)
Depreciation of property and equipment (92,296) (109,476)
Depreciation of right-of-use assets (36,898) -
Expenses relating to short term
  lease and low value assets
(88,701) (94,499)
Staff costs (2,559,860) (2,680,219)
Other operating expenses (2,030,093) (1,864,854)
Results from operating activities 3,182,049 3,067,105
Interest income
Interest expense
Net interest income 56,628 37
Loss on financial assets
  classified as fair value
  through profit or loss
(22,040) (164,351)
Gain/(loss) on accretion/(dilution) of
  interest in an associate
17,036 56,767
Loss on changes in fair value of
  investment properties
(500,000) (500,000)
Share of profit of equity
  accounted associates, net of tax
9,086,050 8,979,804
Profit before tax 11,819,723 11,439,362
Tax expense (1,500,306) (1,485,158)
Profit for the year 10,319,417 9,954,204
Profit for the year 10,319,417 9,954,204
Other comprehensive income,
  net of tax
Items that will not be
  reclassified subsequently
   to profit or loss
Net change in fair value of
  equity investments
  designated at fair value
  through other comprehensive
- Loss on price change (4,557,917) (7,121,118)
- (Loss)/gain on exchange differences (368,739) 901,126
Items that are or may be
  reclassified subsequently to
   profit or loss
Foreign currency translation
  differences for foreign operations
768,767 (1,041,486)
Share of (loss)/gain of equity-
  accounted associates
(209,507) 41,378
Total other comprehensive
  expense for the year, net of tax
(4,367,396) (7,220,100)
Total comprehensive income for
   the year
5,952,021 2,734,104
Profit attributable to:
Owners of the Company 10,310,150 9,895,431
Non-controlling interests 9,267 58,773
Profit for the year 10,319,417 9,954,204
Total comprehensive income
  attributable to:
Owners of the Company 5,941,120 2,671,149
Non-controlling interests 10,901 62,955
Total comprehensive income
   for the year
5,952,021 2,734,104
Basic earnings per ordinary
  share based on profit
  attributable to owners of the
  Company (sen):
7.55 7.13
Group Group
2019 2018
Property and equipment 240,712 299,906
Right-of-use assets 73,716 -
Investment properties 18,888,000 19,388,000
Investments in associates 120,945,238 119,970,189
Other investments 50,118,135 54,161,360
Total non-current assets 190,265,801 193,819,455
Other investments 55,896,225 64,191,174
Current tax assets 75,852 -
Trade and other receivables
806,738 885,640
Prepayments and other assets
157,026 198,000
Deposits with licensed banks
  with original maturities
  more than three months
62,445,103 46,866,265
Cash and cash equivalents 18,185,688 24,161,435
Total current assets 137,566,632 136,302,514
Total assets 327,832,433 330,121,969
Share capital 196,619,727 196,619,727
Reserves 129,198,302 131,965,752
Total equity attributable to owners of the Company 325,818,029 328,585,479
Non-controlling interests 138,866 127,965
Total equity 325,956,895 328,713,444
Lease liabilities 19,380 -
Deferred tax liabilities 206,308 50,509
Total non-current liabilities 225,688 50,509
Lease liabilities 56,237 -
Other payables 1,586,827 1,342,075
Current tax payables 6,786 15,941
Total current liabilities 1,649,850 1,358,016
Total liabilities 1,875,538 1,408,525
Total equity and liabilities 327,832,433 330,121,969
Group Group
2019 2018
Cash flows from operating activities
Profit before tax 11,819,723 11,439,362
Adjustments for:
  Changes in fair value of
    investment properties
500,000 500,000
  Depreciation of property and
92,296 109,476
  Depreciation of right-of-use
36,898 -
  Share of profit after tax of
    equity-accounted associates
(9,086,050) (8,979,804)
  Dividend income (3,311,707) (3,202,188)
  Interest income (1,956,552) (2,131,784)
  Finance cost 8,029 -
  Investment distribution income (2,138,308) (1,976,949)
  Loss on financial assets classified
    as fair value through profit or loss
22,040 164,351
  Gain on changes of interest
    in associates
(17,036) (56,767)
   Unrealised foreign exchange
363,617 (408,613)
   Reversal of impairment loss from
    trade receivables
(600) -
Operating loss before working capital changes (3,667,650) (4,542,916)
Changes in trade and other receivables 122,867 76,505
Changes in prepayments and other assets 42,186 (74,415)
Changes in other payables 252,505 (331,876)
Cash used in operations (3,250,092) (4,872,702)
Income tax paid (1,873,399) (1,530,916)
Interest received 1,906,317 2,423,871
Interest paid (8,012) -
Net cash used in operating activities (3,225,186) (3,979,747)
Cash flows from investing activities
Acquisition of other investments (134,059,353) (102,338,575)
Acquisition of property and equipment (33,063) (123,144)
Acquisition of treasury shares (3,241,388) (3,182,261)
Dividends received from an associate 8,662,096 9,764,252
Dividends received from other
3,311,707 3,202,188
Investment distribution income
2,138,308 1,976,949
Net change in deposits with
  licensed banks with original
   maturities more than 3 months
(15,578,838) (2,755,865)
Proceeds from disposal of
  other investments
141,899,026 85,701,002
Net cash generated from/(used in)
   investing activities
3,098,495 (7,755,454)
Cash flows from financing activities
  Dividends paid to shareholders of the Company (5,467,182) (6,267,713)
Payment of lease liabilities (34,948) -
Net cash used in financing activities (5,502,130) (6,267,713)
Net decrease in cash and
  cash equivalents
(5,628,821) (18,002,914)
Cash and cash equivalents at
  beginning of the year
24,161,435 41,774,591
Effects of exchange rate
  fluctuations on cash held
(346,926) 389,758
Cash and cash equivalents
  at end of year
18,185,688 24,161,435
Cash outflows for leases as a lessee
Included in net cash from operating
Payment relating to short-term leases 79,683 -
Payment relating to leases of low value
1,980 -
Interest paid in relation to lease liabilities 8,012 -
Included in net cash from
  financing activities
Interest paid in relation to lease liabilities 34,948 -
Total cash outflows for leases 124,623 -

Reconciliation of movements of liabilities to cash flows arising from financing activities
  At 1
of new
Net changes
from financing
cash flows
At 31
Lease liabilities - 110,461 (34,948) 104 75,617