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Financial Statements

Group Group
2006 2005
Continuing Operation
Revenue 65,743,858 54,995,737
Other operating income 78,446 457,947
Advertising expenses (1,460,738) (904,437)
Allowance for doubtful debts (348,897) (615,890)
Contract and outsourcing cost (13,804,935) (15,690,306)
Depreciation (1,161,524) (676,492)
Rental of office (819,012) (950,885)
Staff costs (18,949,917) (14,265,662)
Telecommunication expenses (563,097) (513,734)
Traveling expenses (820,742) (552,342)
Other operating expenses (7,028,855) (5,428,213)
Results from operating activities 20,864,587 15,855,723
Interest income 801,182 738,054
Gain on deemed disposal of equity interest in
- a subsidiary 3,294,567 -
- an associate 24,832 -
Operating profit 24,985,168 16,593,777
Share of loss after tax and minority interest of an equity accounted associate and a jointly-controlled entity (88,934) -
Profit before tax 24,896,234 16,593,777
Tax expense (2,267,789) 377,263
Profit for the year 22,628,445 16,971,040
Attributable to:
Shareholders of the Company 21,709,231 16,371,193
Minority interest 919,214 599,847
Profit for the year 22,628,445 16,971,040
Basic earnings per ordinary share (sen) 10.73 8.14
Diluted earnings per ordinary share (sen) 10.33 7.83
Group Group
2006 2005
Property and equipment 13,833,791 12,079,356
Goodwill 2,808,856 3,524,072
Investments in subsidiaries - -
Investments in an associate and a jointly-controlled entity 4,198,910 -
Other investments - -
Deferred tax assets 693,328 1,278,879
Total non-current assets 21,534,885 16,882,307
Other investments 10,021,285 -
Receivables, deposits and prepayments 10,188,886 10,120,416
Current tax assets 177,946 443,680
Cash and cash equivalents 36,325,147 26,558,381
Total current assets 56,713,264 37,122,477
Total assets 78,248,149 54,004,784
Share capital 20,306,500 20,100,000
Reserves 8,051,539 6,571,880
Retained earnings 31,894,290 15,769,347
Total equity attributable to shareholders of the Company 60,252,329 42,441,227
Minority interest 1,123,690 1,567,908
Total equity 61,376,019 44,009,135
Deferred tax liabilities 8,925 8,925
Total non-current liabilities 8,925 8,925
Deferred income 7,750,996 5,901,554
Payables and accruals 8,294,651 3,778,122
Taxation 817,558 307,048
Total current liabilities 16,863,205 9,986,724
Total liabilities 16,872,130 9,995,649
Total equity and liabilities 78,248,149 54,004,784
Group Group
2006 2005
Cash flows from operating activities
Profit before tax 24,896,234 16,593,777
Adjustments for:
Depreciation 1,161,524 676,492
Property and equipment written off 361 136,239
Loss on disposal of property and equipment 476 -
Share-based payments 392,020 -
Share of loss after tax and minority interest of an equity accounted associate and a jointly-control entity 88,934 -
Dividend income - -
Gain on deemed disposal of equity interest of
- a subsidiary (3,294,567) -
- an associate (24,832) -
Interest income (801,182) (738,054)
Investment distribution income (230,480) -
Impairment loss for investment - 113,440
Unrealised foreign exchange loss/(gain) 98,910 40,843
Operating profit / (loss) before working capital changes 22,287,398 16,822,737
Changes in working capital:
Receivables, deposits and prepayments (577,623) (2,826,116)
Deferred income 1,849,442 1,877,688
Payables and accruals 2,427,524 714,514
Cash generated from / (used in) operations 25,986,741 16,588,823
Income tax paid (1,046,349) (754,321)
Interest received 801,182 738,054
Net cash from / (used in) operating activities 25,741,574 16,572,556
Cash flows from investing activities
Acquisition of subsidiaries, net of cash acquired (54,327) 151,747
Acquisition of an associate (336,155) -
Disposal of equity interest of a subsidiary, net cash outflow (66,675) -
Increase in investment in a subsidiary - -
Investment distribution income received 230,480 -
Investment in quoted unit trusts (10,021,285) -
Issuance of shares to minority interest 437,640 -
Purchase of property and equipment (2,978,981) (11,669,247)
Proceeds from disposal of property and equipment 15,712 121,599
Dividend received - -
Net cash (used in) / from investing activities (12,773,591) (11,395,901)
Cash flows from financing activities
Dividends paid to shareholders of the Company (2,538,312) (3,015,000)
Dividends paid to minority shareholders (1,884,957) (84,684)
Proceeds from issuance of shares pursuant to ESOS 1,115,100 -
Net cash used in financing activities (3,308,169) (3,099,684)
Net increase / (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 9,659,814 2,076,971
Cash and bank balances at beginning of the year 26,558,381 24,401,203
Effects of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents 106,952 80,207
Cash and cash equivalents at end of year 36,325,147 26,558,381
Cash and cash equivalents comprise:
Deposits with licensed banks 32,872,385 21,478,320
Cash and bank balances 3,452,762 5,080,061
36,325,147 26,558,381