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Financial Statements

Group Group
2015 2014
Continuing operation
Revenue 6,619,085 21,600,103
Other operating income 3,520,623 863,980
Advertising expenses - (65,400)
Contract and outsourcing cost (116,822) (235,279)
Depreciation of property & equipment (271,238) (221,553)
Rental of office and equipment (176,204) (172,097)
Staff costs (4,995,858) (6,692,346)
Telecommunication expenses (36,059) (43,001)
Travelling expenses (147,112) (90,956)
Other operating expenses (3,774,414) (3,406,249)
Results from operating activities 622,001 11,537,202
Interest income 3,228,348 5,924,017
Finance costs - (108)
(Loss)/Gain on financial assets classified as fair value
  through profit or loss
420,776 94,464
Gain on disposal of investments in quoted shares 12,461,609 2,372,343
Impairment loss on other investments - (2,795,280)
Amounts due from a joint venture written-off - (4,174,145)
Share of profit of equity accounted associates
  net of tax
10,203,045 7,937,586
Profit before tax 26,935,779 20,896,079
Tax expense (1,558,513) (2,451,581)
Profit from continuing operations 23,377,226 18,444,498
Discontinued operations
Profit from discontinued operation, net of tax - 1,935,301,737
Profit for the year 25,377,266 1,953,746,235
Profit attributable to:
Owners of the Company 25,570,546 1,950,533,665
Non-controlling interests (193,280) 3,212,570
Profit for the year 25,377,266 1,953,746,235
Basic earnings per ordinary share based on profit attributable to owners of the Company (sen)
From continuing operations 18.27 13.78
Non-controlling interests - 1,433.96
18.27 1,447.74
Group Group
2015 2014
Property and equipment 434,178 14,773,100
Investment Properties 20,188,000 -
Investments in subsidiaries
Investments in associates 113,855,799 94,541,629
Investments in a joint venture - -
Other investments 47,120,434 51,463,308
Deferred tax assets 127,000 -
Total non-current assets 181,725,411 160,778,037
Other investments 22,748,338 2,103,228
Curent tax assets 459,750 -
Trade and other receivables 797,518 1,243,722
Prepayments and other assets 103,683 260,571
Cash and cash equivalents 101,629,445 135,932,869
Total current assets 125,738,734 139,540,390
Total assets 307,464,145 300,318,427
Share capital 70,000,000 70,795,380
Reserves 234,738,895 204,840,541
Total equity attributable to owners of the Company 304,738,895 275,635,921
Non-controlling interests (38,179) 144,133
Total equity 304,700,716 275,780,054
Deferred tax liabilities 274,500 -
Total non-current liabilities 274,500 -
Loan and borrowing 107,578 -
Deferred income 94,000 161,524
Trade and other payables 2,280,925 24,150,593
Current tax payables 6,426 226,256
Total current liabilities 2,488,929 24,538,373
Total liabilities 2,763,429 24,538,373
Total equity and liabilities 307,464,145 300,318,427
Group Group
2015 2014
Cash flows from operating activities
Profit before tax
- continuing operations 26,935,779 20,896,079
- discontinued operations - 1,956,914,363
26,935,779 1,977,810,442
Adjustments for:
  Depreciation of property and equipment 271,238 2,751,958
  Property and equipment written off 1,238 1,217
  Gain on disposal of property and equipment (100) (49,515)
  Share-based payments - 193,355
  Share of profit after tax of equity accounted associates (10,203,045) (7,937,586)
  Dividend income (2,337,118) (19,232,514)
  Interest income (3,228,348) (6,929,693)
  Finance costs - 49,180
  Investment distribution income (607,110) (195,280)
  Amounts due from a joint venture written off - 4,174,145
  Gain on disposal of investments in quoted shares (12,461,609) (2,372,343)
  Gain on disposal of subsidiaries, net of transaction costs (1,280,800) (1,881,219,530)
  Loss/(Gain) on financial assets classified as fair value through profit or loss (420,776) 28,702
  Impairment loss on other investments - 2,795,280
  Unrealised foreign exchange gain (1,148,622) (755,148)
Operating profit before working capital changes (4,479,273) 69,112,670
Changes in trade and other receivables 1,672,457 5,545,151
Changes in prepayments and other assets 169,003 (238,410)
Changes in deferred income (73,670) 9,284,520
Changes in trade and other payables (22,919,254) 2,160,568
Cash generated from operations (25,630,737) 85,864,499
Income tax paid (2,367,456) (23,816,181)
Interest received 3,228,348 6,929,693
Finance costs paid - (49,180)
Net cash generated from operating activities (24,769,845) 68,928,831
Cash flows from investing activities
Investment distribution income received 607,110 195,280
Acquisition of other investments (20,819,464) (2,764,374)
Acquisition of property and equipment (103,747) (1,329,244)
Acquisition of intellectual property - (11)
Acquisition of a subsidiary, net of cash acquired - 230,982
Acquisition of treasury shares (219,087) (19,383,590)
Proceeds from disposal of property and equipment 100 60,662
Proceeds from disposal of investments in quoted shares 19,839,482 16,204,988
Proceeds from disposal of other investments - 37,493,505
Disposal of subsidiaries, net cash outflow 1,280,800 1,851,737,665
Dividends received from an associate 6,741,624 4,862,658
Dividends received from other investments 2,337,118 4,410,927
Net cash used in investing activities 9,663,936 1,891,719,448
Cash flows from financing activities
Dividends paid to shareholders of the Company (19,424,301) (1,907,864,790)
Dividends paid to non-controlling interests - (2,365,407)
Proceeds from issuance of shares pursuant to the Employee Share Option Scheme - 11,199,618
Proceeds from short term borrowings 114,704 -
Repayment of borrowings (3,095) (40,996)
Net cash used in financing activities (19,312,692) (1,899,071,575)
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents (34,418,601) 61,576,704
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of the year 135,932,869 74,787,514
Effects of exchange rate fluctuations on cash held 115,177 (431,349)
Cash and cash equivalents at end of year 101,629,445 135,932,869
Cash and cash equivalents comprise:
Deposits with licensed banks 25,617,580 25,674,074
Cash and bank balances 76,011,865 110,258,795
101,629,445 135,932,869