Based on Closing Price on 20th December 2024 | ||||
Closing Price | 1.00 | |||
52-Week High 2 | 1.17 | |||
52-Week Low 2 | 0.91 | |||
P/B Ratio 1,4
Current Price per Share / NAV |
1.63 |
P/E Ratio 1,4 Current Price per Share / Earnings per Share |
11.66 |
Price / Revenue 1,4 Current Price per Share* Issued Shares / Revenue |
0.48 |
Fundamentals | FYE 2024 | FYE 2023 | |
Historical EPS Profit / Issued Shares |
8.58 | 8.43 | |
Historical NAV (Total Assets - Total Liabilities) / Issued Shares |
0.61 | 0.59 | |
P/B Ratio 3 Price per Share / NAV |
1.68 | 1.65 | |
Price / Revenue 3 Price per Share * Issued Shares / Revenue |
0.49 | 0.42 |
Profitability Ratio | FYE 2024 | FYE 2023 | |
Return on Assets [ROA] Profit / Total Assets |
6.58% | 6.38% | |
Return on Equity [ROE] Profit / Total Equity |
13.89% | 14.66% |
Issued shares based on weighted averaged number of ordinary shares. | |
1 | based on latest annual report on 30th September 2024. |
2 | based on unadjusted closing price data. |
3 | based on closing price of the last trading day of the specified year. |
4 | based on closing price - 20th December 2024. |