The Board of Directors of Am ARA REIT Managers Sdn. Bhd. (“REIT MANAGER”) wishes to announce that on 15 January 2018, Amcorp Group Berhad (“AMCORP”) has acquired 13,650,000 units of AmFIRST REIT for a total consideration of RM9,443,408.08 from Jadeline Capital Sdn. Bhd. (“Jadeline”) via a Direct Business Transaction. In this regard, Jadeline has ceased to be a substantial unitholder of AmFIRST REIT.
AMCORP is the major shareholder of AMMB Holdings Berhad (“AMMB”) and Amcorp Properties Berhad (“AMPROP”), which in turn via Am ARA REIT Holdings Sdn. Bhd. (“REIT HOLDINGS”), are indirect shareholders of the REIT MANAGER, holding 70% and 30% equity interest respectively.
Mr Soo Kim Wai, the Chairman of the REIT MANAGER, is also the Group Managing Director of AMCORP, a Director of AMPROP, AMMB and REIT HOLDINGS. Mr Soo Kim Wai has no direct/indirect interest in respect of the aforesaid transaction.