The analysts listed below are last known to cover Barakah Offshore Petroleum (Barakah) in their reports. The list may not be conclusive. It is subject to change as firms may from time to time include or cease coverage on Barakah and/ or the named analysts may move to other firms and may not continue coverage on Barakah afterwhich. Please be aware that any opinions, predictions, estimates or forecasts made by analysts are theirs, and do not represent or reflect the opinions, forecasts or predictions of Barakah or its management. By virtue of it being included in or referred to in the analysts' reports, Barakah does not imply its endorsement of or concurrence with the information, conclusions or recommendations contained in such reports. Interested persons may if they wish obtain copies of the analysts' reports on their own. Barakah does not distribute the reports.
Firm Name | Analyst(s) |
Maybank Investment Bank Berhad | Liaw Thong Jun |
UOB Kay Hian | Kong Ho Meng |