Price and Volume

Date Range:

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Historical prices from 01 Jul 2024 to 15 Jul 2024

Date Open High Low Close Volume
15 Jul 20243.383.603.383.5427,151,700
12 Jul 20243.383.443.343.3620,135,000
11 Jul 20243.393.463.363.3927,148,600
10 Jul 20243.323.413.303.3912,514,000
09 Jul 20243.333.403.313.3212,348,300
05 Jul 20243.343.373.313.3210,690,900
04 Jul 20243.403.453.333.3511,009,000
03 Jul 20243.283.473.263.3724,391,700
02 Jul 20243.053.303.023.3021,390,800
01 Jul 20243.,140,900